Technical Support

Get instant answers to technical questions from our team of engineers.

Have a technical question or need help? We offer FREE technical support to all Account Customers. Let our specialist engineers help you identify product alternatives, source additional technical data and find answers to your technical questions.

If you do not have an account yet, please contact our customer service teams.

Three easy ways to reach our technical experts

  1. Live Support
  2. Email: Simply complete the request form below or email We will respond to your queries within the next business day.
  3. Phone: 0800 90 80 83  (11:00AM to 8:00PM (NZDT/NZST), Monday - Friday)

    For Account customers only.If you do not have an account, please contact our customer service at0800 90 80 80.

Get the information you need

Email Technical Support

Please enter your details and question below. We will respond to your queries within the next business day.

* Required

Please note we will only use these details for the purposes of contacting you in connection with your support request.

If you don't remember your Account Number or Customer ID, please email us at with your business contact details, so that we can identify your account and provide the relevant support.

For new customer, please contact our sales team at or 0800 90 80 80.