Calculators & Conversion Charts
element14's online conversion calculators and conversion tables provide the conversion ratios you need for your everyday calculations.
Whether you're trying to move from imperial measurements to metric, solve for Ohm's law, or make sure you've got the correct weight, these tools are designed to help.

Capacitor Charge Calculator
Calculate time and energy needed to charge a capacitor.
Capacitor Charge Calculator
Fractions and Decimal
Turn any decimal value into its simplified fraction form.
Fraction - Decimal Conversion
Impedance Matching Calculator
Impedance matching allows maximum power transfer between two points.
Impedance Matching Calculator
Inductance Conversion
Turn any Inductance Conversion value into its simplified form.
Inductance Conversion
LED Series Resistor
Calculate appropriate resistance so your LEDs don't burn out prematurely.
LED Series Resistor Calculator
Metric and Imperial
Common Metric and Imperial conversion ratios and calculator.
Metric and Imperial Conversion
Op-Amp Voltage and Gain Calculator
Op-Amp Voltage and Gain Calculator
Op-Amp Voltage and Gain Calculator
Passive Filter Calculator
Calculate the cut-off frequency and phase shift of a Passive RC Filter.
Passive Filter Calculator
PCB Trace Width Calculator
Calculate Printed Circuit Board Width(IPC-2221).
PCB Trace Width Calculator
Pull-up & Pull-down Resistors Calculator
Calculate the Pull-up & Pull-down resistor value.
Pull-up & Pull-down Resistors
Resistor Colour Codes
Access a convenient and standardised resistance table.
Resistor Colour Calculator
Stepper Motor
Calculate speed and time per step and max power of a stepper motor.
Stepper Motor Calculator
For any critical temperature analysis, this calculator helps you get your job done faster.
Temperature Calculator
Transformer Turns Calculator
Calculate the primary and secondary full-load currents of the transformer.
Transformer Turns Calculator
Twisted-Pair Impedance Calculator
Calculate the characteristic impedance of a twisted-pair cable.
Twisted-Pair Impedance CalculatorFeatured content

Communication Network protocols
In an embedded world, communication protocols are vital in providing a gateway to reliably exchange information among various devices. Discover the collection of rules that govern this.

Voltage Topologies – Part 1 of 2
Switching regulators revolutionized supply methods by drastically reducing power supply limitations and miniaturizing equipment. Learn more on regulators and non-isolated DC-DC converters.

Voltage Topologies – Part 2 of 2
Continue exploring voltage topologies with the classifications of isolated DC-DC converters, such as flyback, forward, push-pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge converters.

IoT Wireless Network Protocols
Explore the latest IoT wireless protocols to assist in the selection of the right wireless network protocol for your next IoT application
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